Thursday, August 23, 2012


Maybe it is just me, but I am always curious about food in other countries. Especially when people live there.Vacation eating is one thing, but day to day is a whole other story. Cooking most of our meals to save money has forced us to be creative . It also makes us realize how easy it is to eat light! Of course the heat and humidity help with not wanting anything too heavy. We have gone out for a few dinners, but tend to eat in most nights. We have had some amazing Italian food due to a big Italian population. Its quite a treat.

Nick has become the MASTER of making ceviche. It is really quite impressive and so delicious.
I finally figured out the way to make plantains!! SO good with quinoa and grilled chicken.
One of our few dinners out. AMAZING food at a local Italian place. Homemade ravioli, and fresh caught fish with puree of carrot and leek. Side of steamed veggies. Not too shabby. Brought out by the chef with a smile and a handshake.

There is nothing better than a cold Jugo de Natural...Sandia, Melon or fresa? We will take one of each.
Fresh farm produce from some local farmers. Thanks to our friend Carolina!!!
Tacos, Tacos and more Tacos. Lucky for me, It is one of my favorite foods to make and to eat.
Pipa Fria is THE drink. Good for hydrating, Hangovers or with a shot of rum! Who needs water?
Fresh fruit on banana bread with a side of cinammon cream at Nogis . Great breakfast.
A typical Costa Rican "sub" sandwich. Not quite as good as "Langers" in LA, but it is a close second.


We have been SO fortunate to have had the chance to stay in an amazing guest house at Villa Dona Ines, thanks to the ever so generous Jean Marc and Rhonda. It helped ease our way into our new life here.

The streets of Tamarindo are colorful and funky. Graffiti and murals add character to a simple concrete wall. I love it.
You never know what you find on the beach. Someone forgot a pineapple ...or maybe it fell overboard. It looked quite content. I let it be.


The only real downfall of living here in Tamarindo is that the majority of Nicks work is in San Jose or Nicaragua. So, Harper and I have weeks where it is just the two of us. We miss having him around!! I am so grateful for the amazing daycare center that enables me to have a little relief a couple hours a day,but I have began to embrace the special moments she and I share. Cuddling and napping in the afternoon on a rainy day, walking on the beach at sunset and dancing around the living room to our favorite songs. I know how fast these moments will turn into memories. I cherish them all.