Monday, July 23, 2012


Its HOT here. And I mean eyeballs sweating must get into the water now kind of HOT. So to bring some relief to the end of each sweltering day we have started venturing out at dusk...stroller, baby carrier and baby in tow. Walking down the dusty dirt road and onto the main street, we walk down a funny little alley that drops us onto the beach . A restaurant with a fab happy hour for momma and poppa and a playground for Miss Harper. And we sit.( while we still can, as she is not walking yet) Sipping our michaladas( beer and lime juice over ice) and watching the high tide roll in and out over the wide beach. A mix of locals and tourists join us. Lots of kids scampering around. And for a moment it all seems as simple as we hoped it would be. Trying to live in the moment.

Harper Grace Is ONE!!!! How did that happen??

Well, "they" sure are right. It FLIES by!!! This whole"kid"thing. I woke up on July 6th and had a ONE year old. Wasn't it just last week that I HAD her?? Wow.
What a year it has been. Getting to know this sweet little girl of ours. She is pretty amazing. We were thrilled to be celebrating in Costa Rica. I was a little sad that all of YOU couldn't be here with us. especially the grandparents that she misses and loves!!! But we still managed to have a very special weekend.

On friday July 6th we woke to a very smiley birthday girl( i think she knew it was her day) and brought her into bed with us so we could marvel at her JUST as we did a year ago when she was born. We tried to recap it all for her , but she was much more interested in the presents wrapped in tissue paper from Grandma Dana. After a good wrestling match with those gifts, we scooped her up and went to daycare. Later that day we brought cupcakes in for the whole class, and yes, I MADE THEM!! Yep. I am turning into quite the domesticated momma. Sprinkles and all. It was a big hit with everyone BUT the birthday girl, who cried on cue . And proceeded to smear frosting all over momma.A perfect first party to kick off the birthday weekend.

 Every girl needs at least two birthday parties. I may regret these words later, but I like to celebrate the whole month!! Harper may not feel the same, seeing as though she cried at BOTH parties. Oh well.
The second soiree was in the small and funky park . I made some bright colored flowers and hung the Harper pendant banner that all her aunties made for her. We had a sweet and  simple pink cake with glitter frosting .  My vision of Harper diving in with glee to her first birthday cake was not so. As soon as the singing started she was in tears, and I am talking screaming with terror tears. I can only hope I have not traumatized her for life with my singing around the house, I can't be that bad....can I? But she did manage to calm down long enough to help make a wish and stick her fingers in the frosting. She found serenity in a swing and seemed to enjoy the rest of the day. Looking ever so sweet in her birthday dress and signature flower in her hair.

Momma and Harper Grace for the big ONE!!
Pretty in pink

"happy Birthday" is not her favorite song.

 Birthday girl butt.
When in doubt.....SWING!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012


"I don't want to pose"!!!!
poor kid.

Thank you to Auntie Meredith for the cute 4th of July dress!

Patriotic kabobs 
I can not believe a month has passed!! We have settled into quite a good routine here in our new home. July snuck up on us. And with it came our first holiday here, 4th of July! I did not expect to do much, being in Costa Rica for USA birthday. But we happen to make some fabulous friends who own a BBQ joint. And they offered to have a good old fashioned american style poolside BBQ! I even offered to make potato salad, which is odd, because I have never made it, go figure that the first time is in Costa Rica.. It turned out great! (  salad and the party) Brian and Stephanie, our gracious hosts, did it up! Delicious food, great people and their daughter , Mckenzie, is Harpers new buddy! They are only 6weeks apart. It was nice to be sipping on Flor de cana rum while watching my sweet girl splash in the pool with Nick. Tamarindo is feeling more and more like home.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A day in the life....

So what is our usual day here like..?? I keep getting that question from everyone. I think you all picture us beachside sipping cold beers, or learning to surf. While Harper takes naps in the sun. Ahhh, almost.

A few signs to point you in the right direction....
Tamarindo Beach
My new favorite drink: Michelata. Fresh Lime juice and light beer. Over Ice. salted rim. 

The road near our house.
We are in a very small and funky little town. Dirt roads and all.There is a "main" street that is full of mostly bars and beachside restaurants, along with nicknack shops.And of course, a gazillion surf schools/shops. Lots of great dining. But only 2 small grocery stores. With limited stuff. The big "auto mercado" is a 15 min cab ride and has EVERYTHING! But a bit more expensive. It has forced us to be very picky about what we buy and to use everything in the fridge. We are cooking at home almost every night, light and fresh food! Very little processed food. Feeling very healthy.There is a small park in the center of town, so we can take Harper to swing, she loves it. I may even get involved in a "park clean up" program to revive it! The one thing I find odd about Tamarindo, is unlike other Central and Latin American countries, there is no town square or old church...because it has been a "surf side" town since the 1970's, the history is just that. Not your usual historic side. But It still has charm. The house we are staying at is pretty close to town and the beach. But still recquires a 15 minute walk down( the way back is no bueno..UP hill) Along the way there is a structure that holds the local Gym, and the Nanny garden, which has become a regular stop for us. Harper is officially going there 4 days a week for 2 to 4 hours a day! It is run by a sweet french woman and her mother. It looks like a United colors of Benetton ad. Every nationality you can imagine. Kids from all over and lots of different languages being spoken( primarily spanish) Harper is the youngest. The first day was REALLY hard for me, Nick was excited for her, I wept like a baby. But having our first breakfast alone and an hour on the beach to actually nap, was really needed! And she LOVES it there. I don't cry quite as much now. But the eyes still get teary. We now have some time each day to figure out our routine. We are looking at apartments and meeting people about possible work.Nick went to Nicaragua this month to start working with the Beyond Study Abroad Program and I am looking into some photography work. Most importantly, we are having some Nick and Colette time! It is well deserved.