Monday, July 23, 2012

Harper Grace Is ONE!!!! How did that happen??

Well, "they" sure are right. It FLIES by!!! This whole"kid"thing. I woke up on July 6th and had a ONE year old. Wasn't it just last week that I HAD her?? Wow.
What a year it has been. Getting to know this sweet little girl of ours. She is pretty amazing. We were thrilled to be celebrating in Costa Rica. I was a little sad that all of YOU couldn't be here with us. especially the grandparents that she misses and loves!!! But we still managed to have a very special weekend.

On friday July 6th we woke to a very smiley birthday girl( i think she knew it was her day) and brought her into bed with us so we could marvel at her JUST as we did a year ago when she was born. We tried to recap it all for her , but she was much more interested in the presents wrapped in tissue paper from Grandma Dana. After a good wrestling match with those gifts, we scooped her up and went to daycare. Later that day we brought cupcakes in for the whole class, and yes, I MADE THEM!! Yep. I am turning into quite the domesticated momma. Sprinkles and all. It was a big hit with everyone BUT the birthday girl, who cried on cue . And proceeded to smear frosting all over momma.A perfect first party to kick off the birthday weekend.

 Every girl needs at least two birthday parties. I may regret these words later, but I like to celebrate the whole month!! Harper may not feel the same, seeing as though she cried at BOTH parties. Oh well.
The second soiree was in the small and funky park . I made some bright colored flowers and hung the Harper pendant banner that all her aunties made for her. We had a sweet and  simple pink cake with glitter frosting .  My vision of Harper diving in with glee to her first birthday cake was not so. As soon as the singing started she was in tears, and I am talking screaming with terror tears. I can only hope I have not traumatized her for life with my singing around the house, I can't be that bad....can I? But she did manage to calm down long enough to help make a wish and stick her fingers in the frosting. She found serenity in a swing and seemed to enjoy the rest of the day. Looking ever so sweet in her birthday dress and signature flower in her hair.

Momma and Harper Grace for the big ONE!!
Pretty in pink

"happy Birthday" is not her favorite song.

 Birthday girl butt.
When in doubt.....SWING!!!

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